Vergil’s Kit also cleaves through most of Sephiroth’s options thanks to the memory and soul manipulation and defense, Materia being a close allegory to magic being fought by Demonic Energy, another thing close to magic, which Vergil has resistance to.

Vergil can passively mind destroy you so hard you go insane by just using his aura, (mind you, the Demon World scales to 4D+, and DMC: PoC has a 9-10D statement, so Sephiroth’s abilities are largely trumped by Demonic Energy), Vergil can regenerate from the same thing other demons can, can escape the Supernova dimension with Yamato, cut through pretty much all of Sephiroth’s ranged attacks. So Sephiroth is going to stay damaged, no matter what. Dante and Vergil kill and negate the regeneration of demons who can regenerate from lacking mind, body, soul, Name (which is critical to existence in DMC), and complete annihilation of all of the above. Now, that may sound backwards, given Sephiroth has tons of abilities throughout the game based on Materia/Final Fantasty equivalent of Magic, but Vergil is actually the one with the ability advantage here-And this is only because Demons in Devil Nay Cry are FUNDAMENTALLY BROKEN.įor example, Sephiroth would not be able to regenerate against Vergil. Vergil’s wide arrange of abilities simply trumps Sephiroth’s Kit. I mention immeasurable Sephiroth mostly because even if you enhance speed, the RESULT DOESN’T CHANGE. Which magnifies the amount of fun you can have in this debate by a hundred fold, but since I’m debating based on personal knowledge, I’m going to leave Sephiroth at MFTL+. If Sephiroth has an immeasurable speed argument I haven’t seen it, but if we give him the same leeway then they’re comparable again and it just is their AP in debate but speed. Sephiroth from my knowledge caps at MFTL+. And that’s not including nuances like DT, since in cutscene Dante beats 3rd Fight Urizen in BASE. (The chain is Pluto < Mundus < Sparda < DMC1 Dante < Argosax < DMC2 Dante < DMC4 Dante < Beginning of Game DMC5 Dante < 1st Fight Urizen < 3rd Fight Urizen < SDT Unlocked Dante < Resurrected DMC5 Vergil < Final Boss Fight DMC5 Vergil = Final Boss Fight DMC5 Dante). Vergil is immeasurable in speed thanks to the Devil May Cry: Peak of Combat scans that state Pluto is immeasurable in speed, and Vergil massively upscales from Pluto. In terms of Speed, Vergil has the clear edge. So if you take Sephiroth at his best they’re pretty comparable, at least without getting into scaling semantics about who is deeper into the tier. Universe and had the entire power of this combined Void, (which the Demon World is stated to be infinite), Dante blitzing and killing Argosax who was said to be a foe Mundus couldn’t defeat, etc. These include Mundus making a universe, Sparda separating the Realms, Dante killing Void Mundus, who fused the realms within his Alt. Vergil should take this, albeit a close match.ĭMC5 Vergil scales to DMC5 Dante, so he has multiple instances of Uni, Uni+, and Low Multi feats, and is upscales from these.